Dak Lak: Over 85.5 percent of rural residents access clean water

Hygienic water has been supplied for over 85.5 percent of rural population in the Central Highlands province of Dak Lak, helping increase local life quality.
Dak Lak: Over 85.5 percent of rural residents access clean water ảnh 1Illustrative photo. (Photo: VNA)

Dak Lak (VNA) - Hygienic water has been supplied for over 85.5 percent of rural population in the Central Highlands province of Dak Lak, helping increase local life quality, according to the provincial People’s Committee.

The province is striving to provide 100 percent of rural residents with access to water meeting national standard, at a volume of 60 litres per capita per day by 2020.

To achieve the target, the province is conducting survey to evaluate water reserves and quality and local demands while prioritising investment in building water facility for regions with polluted water sources or facing water shortage such as mountainous and border areas.

The province is to set fresh water prices in line with economic conditions and traditional practices in each locality, while ensuring sufficient funding for water facility’s frequent repairs. In addition, the province also gives preferential power prices for water supply plants, slashes natural resource fees for untreated water while meting out punishment to any violations of rules on rural water supplying activities.

Currently, the locality has 133 centralised water supply systems and 10,000 wells providing clean water for the residents.-VNA


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