Dak Lak says no to 17 small and medium hydropower projects

The Central Highlands province of Dak Lak has rejected proposals for 17 small and medium-sized hydropower projects with combined capacity of 27.4 MW, a local official said.
Dak Lak says no to 17 small and medium hydropower projects ảnh 1Illustrative image (Source: VNA)

Dak Lak (VNA) – The Central Highlands province of Dak Lak has rejected proposals for 17 small and medium-sized hydropower projects with combined capacity of 27.4 MW, a local official said.

The province has also halted construction of the 10MW Drang Phok hydropower plant because the project needs to use more than 60 hectares of special - use forest in Yok Don National Park, according to Y Giang Gry Nie Knong, Vice Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee.

Most of the proposals were knocked back as they required the use of forest land, the Vice Chairman said. The building of these plants would damage the forest resources and the ecosystem in the area.

Dak Lak is home to 24 operational hydropower plants, with combined capacity of 957 MW.

The Central Highlands province has huge potential for wind and solar power development.

According to the province’s planning until 2020, with a vision through 2030, it aims to produce 5,250 MW of solar and wind power.

The wind power projects are mostly based in Krong Buk, Cu Mgar, Krong Nang, Ea Hleo and Buon Ho town, with combined capacity of 1,382 MW. The rest is generated from solar power.

There are 12 wind and solar power projects, worth dozens of trillion VND, which have been approved by the province.-VNA 

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