The two officials discussed preparations for an internationalconference on women with the UN peacekeeping operations scheduled to take placeat the end of this year or next year.
The conference will look into an overview of the role ofwomen in the UN peacekeeping operations, thereby outlining detailed initiativesto uphold women’s participation in the field.
They also exchanged information about areas that havecompleted bomb and mine clearance in the Information Management System for MineAction within the framework of the Korea – Vietnam Mine Action Project (KVMAP).
In the near future, Vietnam will continue working closelywith units concerned to carry out the KVMAP in Quang Binh and Binh Dinh provinces,assist Quang Nam province in survey and clearance of bombs and mines, andrelated activities.
Wiesen, for her part, congratulated Vietnam on successfully controllingthe COVID-19 pandemic, in which the Vietnam People’s Army takes the vanguard,as well as the country’s initiative on establishing a centre to improve the UNpeacekeeping capacity, contributing to the substantial cooperation betweenVietnam and the UN.
She also pledged to help Vietnam effectively organise the UNpeacekeeping operations and overcome war consequences./.