HCM City (VNA) – The Ministry of National Defencemade the first public appearance for Level-2 Field Hospital No. 3, which willbe deployed to the UN mission in South Sudan, at a ceremony in Ho Chi Minh Cityon March 4.
It is subordinate to the HCM City-based CentralMilitary Hospital 175 and consists of 70 members.
Addressing the event, Deputy Defence MinisterSen. Lt. Gen. Nguyen Chi Vinh spoke highly of efforts by units of the DefenceMinistry, the Vietnam Department of Peacekeeping Operations and CentralMilitary Hospital 175 in readying the field hospital, especially in terms ofpersonnel, for replacing Level-2 Field Hospital No. 2 which is performingduties at the UN peacekeeping mission in South Sudan.
He asked the relevant parties to keep closecoordination to perfect the hospital’s apparatus and continue training for itsstaff so that the hospital will fulfill its tasks even better than itspredecessors.
On this occasion, Vinh also appreciated othercountries and international partners’ support for Vietnam during the building,training and deployment of its peacekeeping force for UN operations.
Deputy head of the EU Delegation to VietnamAxelle Nicaise congratulated the peacekeeping force of Vietnam on theirachievements, which have helped promote the country’s stature and prestige inthe international arena.
She said the EU and Vietnam share the same wishto ensure regional and global security and peace.
The EU will always stand ready to support andassist Vietnam in peacekeeping activities, the diplomat said, adding that italso hopes Level-2 Field Hospital No. 3 and future units of Vietnam’speacekeeping force will receive more assistance from international friends, includingthe EU.
At a meeting earlier the same day, Maj. Gen.Hoang Kim Phung, Director of the Vietnam Department of Peacekeeping Operations,reported that Level-2 Field Hospital No. 2 in the UN mission in South Sudan hasbeen performing their duties well. In three months working in Bentiu, itprovided checks and treatments to 527 patients, successfully conducted sixsurgeries, and airlifted three patients in critical conditions to higher-levelhospitals./.