Deputy Minister of Trade and Industry receives warning

The Party Central Committee’s Inspection Commission has issued a warning against Deputy Minister of Trade and Industry Ho Thi Kim Thoa for “serious violations” when she led the Dien Quang Lamp Company.
Deputy Minister of Trade and Industry receives warning ảnh 1Deputy Minister of Trade and Industry Ho Thi Kim Thoa (Photo: VNA)

Hanoi (VNS/VNA) - The Party Central Committee’s Inspection Commission has issued a warning against Deputy Minister of Trade and Industry Ho Thi Kim Thoa for “serious violations” when she led the Dien Quang Lamp Company.

[PM requests verification of news on Deputy Minister’s assets]

The commission also proposed Thoa be stripped of all current positions.

The decision was announced on July 31 in the commission’s announcement of the results of its 16th meeting which took place from July 25-27.

Thoa’s violations had earlier been pointed out during a commission meeting late in June.

The commission said that while holding the position as Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of former State-owned Dien Quang Lamp Company, and then Secretary of the Party Committee, Chairwoman of the Board of Directors and General Director of the Dien Quang Lamp Joint Stock Company, from January 2004 to May 2010, Thoa violated regulations and procedures on business equitisation, and wrongly handled loan interest exempted by banks worth 6.7 billion VND (298,000 USD).

She also violated State regulations on land management when the company signed a contract with another company to invest in land at No 12, Ton Dan Street, in HCM City. She also failed to properly handle revenue of 30 billion VND (1.3 million USD) from transferring the rights to exploit the land.

In the third violation, Thoa bought more shares than the permissible level and her transfer of shares violated the company’s regulations.

Besides the decision on Thoa, the commission also proposed discipline against the Steering Committee for Southwest Region, its former and current leaders; and the Party Committee’s Standing Board of the Vietnam National Chemical Group, its current and former leaders for violations in personnel and financial managements which resulted in losses of State money and properties.-VNA


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