In his conclusion at a regular meeting in 2023 of the National Committee for Children, which was issued by the Government Office on January 24, the Deputy PM demanded the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs (MoLISA) to collect opinions andproposals from members of the NationalCommittee for Children, and complete a report on the implementation of children'srights and resolve children-related issues in 2023, and 2024 plan of the committee.
MoLISA was tasked with building a plan for the implementationof Directive No. 28-CT/TW dated December 25, 2023 by the Politburo on enhancingthe work of caring for, protecting and educatingchildren to meet the requirements for the prosperous and happy development of thecountry. It is also responsible for building a plan to implement recommendations made by the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child for Vietnam, and outlinespecific measures to address the UN's recommendations for improving keyindicators related to children in sustainable development.
The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism will coordinate withthe Ministry of Construction, the Ministry of Education and Training, and relevantministries and sectors to establish criteria for swimming pools and organise swimminglessons in schools and cultural and sports facilities for children in thecommunity.
The Ministry of Information and Communications will monitor andassess the impact of online platforms and artificial intelligence, thus developingsolutions to protect children in the online environment.
Meanwhile, theMinistry of Health will collaborate with relevant ministries and sectors toconduct research and provide recommendations on the harmful effects ofelectronic cigarettes, stimulants, and psychoactive substances on the physicaland mental health of children.
The Ministry of Education and Training and relevant ministries and sectors willwork on reviewing and improving criteria for food safety and hygiene, and healthservices in schools, and implementing specific measures to control and reduceschool violence, and developing criteria related to theschool culture.
Meanwhile, the Ministry of Public Security will direct localpolice forces to strengthen preventive measures, investigations, and handling ofcrimes related to the abuse of children and offenses involving under-18-year-oldindividuals.
The Deputy PM requested the Ministry of Finance to coordinate withrelevant agencies in revising, and supplementing necessary regulations andinstructions to remove difficulties and obstacles in mobilising and managing resourcesfor the child-related affairs.
The Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuracy wereurged to build and implement laws regarding child-friendly justice system and juveniles; and ensure Vietnam's commitment to the rights ofchildren in investigation, prosecution, and trial processes.
Member units of the National Committee for Children will continue to implement and organisethe implementation of approved programmes, action plans, and initiatives tocomplete objectives related to children under their responsibilities, towards guaranteeingthe comprehensive development of children, and providing them with a safe,healthy, and friendly living environment.
Attention will also paid to further standardising humanresources involved in the child-related affairs, especially those responsible for childprotection at the grassroots level, and promoting the role and creativity of organisationsin caring for, educating and protecting children./.