Digiworld enjoys bumper in Q1

Electronic and computing retailer Digiworld Corporation has estimated that its first-quarter revenue and post-tax profit increased 63 percent and nearly 80 percent year-on-year.
Digiworld enjoys bumper in Q1 ảnh 1Inside a warehouse of Digiworld Corporation (HoSE: DGW). Total inventories were worth 1.45 trillion VND at the end of 2019. (Photo: baodauthau.vn)

Hanoi (VNA) - Electronic and computing retailer Digiworld Corporation has estimated that its first-quarter revenue and post-tax profit increased 63 percent and nearly 80 percent year-on-year.

The figures rose to nealry 2.24 trillion VND (96 million USD) and 45 billion VND in the first three months, respectively.

Sales of laptops and tablets soared 69 percent year-on-year to 791 billion VND in the January-March period. Sales of mobile phones almost doubled to 1.14 trillion VND in the same period, largely thanks to a promotional offer on Chinese-made Xiaomi products.

The company forecasts its whole-year revenue will be up a fifth to 10.2 trillion VND from last year’s figure and post-tax profit will add nearly 24 percent year-on-year to 202 billion VND.

After the first three months, Digiworld has fulfilled 22 percent of both its revenue and post-tax profit goals for 2020.

In 2019, total revenue was nearly 8.5 trillion VND and post-tax profit was 163.2 billion VND.

Digiworld had charter capital of 419.5 billion VND and equity capital of 924.8 billion VND on December 31, 2019. Total liabilities were worth 1.48 trillion VND, including short-term liabilities of 1.47 trillion VND.

Total assets were worth 2.4 trillion VND with short-term assets accounting for 95 percent of the total. Of all short-term assets, inventories were worth 1.45 trillion VND./

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