Deputy Minister of National Defence Sen. Lieut. Gen. Hoang Xuan Chien has praised the progress and efforts of units involved in the dioxin remediation at Bien Hoa air base area project.
The Japanese Government-funded equipment for dioxin and environmental analysis was handed over to the Chemical Corps on January 16, aiming to assist Vietnam in settling consequences of toxic chemicals left from wartime.
Immediately following the Paris Court of Appeal's decision on August 22 to reject the civil lawsuit filed by Tran To Nga, an 82-year-old French-Vietnamese, against 14 US chemical companies for supplying Agent Orange (AO)/dioxin to the US army during the Vietnam War, many French media outlets have reiterated her decades-long arduous and challenging fight for justice.
The Paris Court of Appeal's rejection of the lawsuit filed by Tran To Nga against US manufacturers of Agent Orange (AO)/dioxin is not a surprise for the French-Vietnamese woman, who said she will not give up but continue to pursue this lawsuit.
A solemn ceremony was held in the northern city of Hai Phong on August 10 to disperse the ashes of Merle Ratner, a leftist and anti-war activist of the US and also a close friend of Vietnam.
Despite the three previous rejections by courts in the US, the Vietnam Association for Victims of Agent Orange/ Dioxin (VAVA) is suing US chemical companies that supported the US military to spray AO/dioxin in Vietnam during wartime, VAVA Vice President Maj. Gen. Nguyen Hong Son said on July 30.
Ruling on the lawsuit filed by Vietnamese-French Tran To Nga against 14 US chemical corporations that supplied Agent Orange (AO)/dioxin for the US army during the war in Vietnam is scheduled to be issued on August 22, the Court of Appeal of Paris announced after a hearing on May 7.
Over the 20 years of its development, the Vietnam Association for Victims of Agent Orange (VAVA) has obtained remarkable achievements in the effort to support Agent Orange (AO) victims.
The Vietnam Association for Victims of Agent Orange (VAVA) has surmounted many difficulties to fulfill its tasks over the last five years, deserving its status as the representative of the rights and legitimate interests of AO victims, said VAVA Chairman Sen. Lt. Gen. Nguyen Van Rinh.
President of the Chamber of Representatives of Belgium Éliane Tillieux hosted a reception for Vietnamese Ambassador to Belgium Nguyen Van Thao and representatives from the Collectif Vietnam Dioxine Association and the Belgium-Vietnam Friendship Association (BVFA) in Brussels on November 7.
President Vo Van Thuong hosted a reception for visiting President of the Belgian Senate Stéphanie D'Hose in Hanoi on August 22, during which he affirmed that the State and people of Vietnam always treasure relations with Belgium and are keen on lifting up bilateral ties to a new height.
Over the past 27 years, the Hanoi-based Vietnam Friendship Village has exerted every effort to raise funds and provide vocational training to child victims of Agent Orange / dioxin from around the country.
Chris Geyskens, a Belgian woman, has worked dedicatedly over the past decade in a bid to improve living conditions of Agent Orange/dioxin victims in Hoi An city in the central province of Quang Nam.
Associations for Victims of Agent Orange (AO)/Dioxin at all levels in the southern province of Bac Lieu have beening working to support and care for AO victims along with State policies towards them, said president of the provincial association Vo Thi Hong Thoai.
A programme was held in the central city of Da Nang on August 9 to offer support and raise funds for victims of Agent Orange (AO) on the occasion of the 61st anniversary of the AO disaster in Vietnam (August 10, 1961).
Joining hands to soothe the pain caused by Agent Orange (AO) is not only a charitable or humanitarian deed but firstly an activity to express gratitude to revolution contributors and the sense of responsibility of each Vietnamese people.
The committee in support of Tran To Nga who sued US firms for manufacturing the toxic AO defoliant used by US forces during the war in Vietnam on June 24 offered a charitable meal in Paris to raise fund for her lawsuit.