Secretary of the Party Committee of Da Nang Nguyen Van Quangnoted that within only two hours on the night of September 24 and early morningof September 25, 1952, Battalion 59 under Regiment 803 of the High Command of Inter-Zone 5 completely wiped out the Don Nhat military base, one of theextremely important bases of the French colonialists on the top of Hai VanPass.
This was an important victory in the Quang Nam-Da Nangbattlefield, showing the proper leadership of the Party led by President Ho ChiMinh, he stated.
Quang underlined that the conference is an opportunity toreview the heroic fighting tradition of the Inter-zone 5 armed forces, as wellas to commemorate soldiers who sacrificed their lives in the Summer-AutumnCampaign 1952. It is also a chance for the participants to review valuablelessons in the country’s two long-term resistance wars, and clarify the country’sart of the people-based defence, he said.
Deputy Minister of National Defence Sen. Lieut. Gen Le HuyVinh emphasised that opinions at the event will contribute to supplementinginformation and documents to affirm the value of the victory, honouring those whomade the victory, and helping strengthen the people's confidence in the nationalrenewal process initiated and led by the Party.
He stressed the need for stronger education of revolutionaryideology, patriotism and national pride among younger generations, whileencouraging people from all walks of life to follow good examples of theirforefathers to join hands in building a prosperous nation./.