Dong Nai authorities talk with Japanese firms to remove bottlenecks

The People’s Committee of the southern province of Dong Nai and the provincial Customs Department held a dialogue with over 100 Japanese businesses to help them extricate difficulties.
Dong Nai authorities talk with Japanese firms to remove bottlenecks ảnh 1Japanese are among foreign businesses pioneering in economic development in Dong Nai (Photo: VNA)
Dong Nai (VNA) – The People’s Committee of the southern province of Dong Nai and the provincial Customs Department held a dialogue with over 100 Japanese businesses to help them extricate difficulties.

Answering the businesses’ queries about classifying customs declarations, Le Van Danh, head of the Customs Department, said the classification of declarations is made automatically on the customs sector’s system and it depends on such factors as firms’ compliance and goods’ risk levels.

Japanese enterprises also proposed simplifying customs procedures while importing batches of the same type and origin at different moments from Japan to Vietnam.

Speaking at the event, Vice Chairman of the Committee Tran Van Dinh said Japanese are among foreign businesses pioneering in economic development in Dong Nai.

Japanese firms have always strictly obeyed Vietnam’s legal regulations and implemented effectively policies on environment, tax and customs, and particularly those for workers, he said.

In the coming time, the province will continuously accompany businesses and provide them with maximum support, he said, adding it also hopes to receive feedback from Japanese businesses for timely solutions.

Chairman of the Japanese Business Association in Ho Chi Minh City Kadowaki Keiichi said more than 100 Japanese enterprises are operating in Dong Nai.

Over the past time, the relations between local authorities and Japanese businesses have been tightened via cooperation agreements, he said.

Japanese businesses are running over 250 projects worth 3.9 billion USD in the fields of electronics, digital equipment, electric appliances, and support industry.

In the first five months of 2017, they earned 1.8 billion USD from exports, making up 15 percent of the province’s total trade.-VNA

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