Providinga brief introduction of Dong Nai and its trade relations with India, ViceChairwoman of the provincial People’s Committee Nguyen Thi Hoang said Dong Naihas a transport system favourable for economic development and trading with othercountries. Considered one of the leading industrial hubs in Vietnam, it has attracted29.26 billion USD in investment from 43 countries and territories, but there haven’tbeen any investment projects by Indian firms here.
In 2022, DongNai recorded 489 million USD in exports to and 326 million USD in imports fromIndia. Its main exports include plastic raw materials, fabric, fibre, yarn,machinery, equipment, tools, spare parts, and vehicles. Meanwhile, imports fromIndia include metals, animal feed and materials, chemicals, machinery, equipment,tools, spare parts, and plastic raw materials.
Hoang perceivedthat there remains enormous potential for expanding partnerships between Dong Naiand Indian enterprises. To obtain concrete results, they should learn about eachother’s capacity, prestige and products, along with relevant policies ofVietnam and India.
She also pledged the best possible conditions for enterprisesto access both countries’ markets to generate win-win benefits.
VietnameseAmbassador to India Nguyen Thanh Hai said trade turnover between the twocountries reached 15 billion USD in 2022, but much room remains for it to increasefurther as both Vietnam and India are dynamic countries and among the fastestgrowing economies in the world. The two economies are complementary to each otherand well-connected thanks to over 50 direct flights per week that bring aboutnumerous opportunities for bilateral trade, investment, and tourism.
The VietnameseEmbassy in India will create favourable conditions for enterprises of both countries to partner with each other, he affirmed.
AtulKumar Saxena, President of the Indian Importers Chambers of Commerce andIndustries, also shared the view on the huge potential for expanding tiesbetween Dong Nai and Indian enterprises.
At theevent, Vietnamese firms and the Indian chambers of commerce and industriessigned six memoranda of understanding on trade and investment cooperation./.