The launching ceremony drew Vice Director of Asian-AfricanMarket Department under the Ministry of Industry and Trade Do Quoc Hung;Vietnamese Trade Counselor in India Bui Trung Thuong; President of Global Tradeand Technology Council of India Gaurav Gupta; President of the World SikhChamber of Commerce Parmeet Singh Chadha; and a number of Indian and Vietnamesebusinesses.
The IIFF is the leading footwear industry event in South Asiaand one of the largest and most important footwear industry fairs in India. Theevent attracts a large number of businesses, manufacturers, traders andimporters from all over the world. It offers a chance for businesses to introducetheir products and approach the Indian market as well as others in the world.
Binh Tien, a reputable firm of Vietnam, has exported its products to more than40 countries, including China, Japan, Italy, France, the UK, the US and Russia.It is seeking to enter the Indian market through B2B (Business to Business)methods and expectedly B2C (Business to Consumer) format in the future.
Meanwhile, EMall, with the brand names of Pierre CardinShoes and Oscar Fashion, has clinched its firm foundation in the footwear,accessory and leather in Vietnam, Myanmar, Cambodia and Laos with a system ofover 100 shops. Through the fair, the company aims to seek partners who areretailers and distributors of leather shoes in the Indian market with a middle class of 600 million people.
The IIFF is a good opportunity for Vietnamese firm toexplore the latest trends and seek partners, thus expanding their connections inthe footwear industry.
Along with exhibiting products, the IIFF also includes seminarsand forums for businesses to exchange experience. The fair will run until July29./.