DPRK shifts towards improving people living standards

The 13th Supreme People's Assembly (SPA) of the Democratic People Republic of Korea (DPRK) on June 29 announced a detailed five-year strategy focusing on boosting the economy.
DPRK shifts towards improving people living standards ảnh 1Farmers are working on a farm in DPRK. The country is taking measures to improve the living standards of its people. (Source: telegraph.co.uk)

Seoul (VNA) - The 13th Supreme People's Assembly (SPA) of the Democratic People Republic of Korea (DPRK) on June 29 announced a detailed five-year strategy focusing on boosting the economy, reducing the shortage of electricity and enhancing the living standards of the people.

The strategy was launched by Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un at the DPRK’s Workers Party Congress in May.

KCNA’s news bulletin announced that the DPRK would consistently pursue both the nuclear and economic programmes with the government focusing on tackling energy issue as well as enhancing living standards of its citizens via boosting agricultural production and developing light industry.

The government will tackle food shortage by promoting farming, animal husbandry and fisheries while developing light industry to supply sufficient consumer goods to the market, creating a decisive turning point in enhancing the living standards of the people.

The SPA elected Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un as chairman of the State Affairs Commission of the DPRK, which was formed to replace the Defence Commission.-VNA


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