Draft resolution on policies for Nghe An to be discussed on June 6

Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism Nguyen Van Hung will continue fielding legislators’ questions and a draft resolution on the pilot supplementation of some specific mechanisms and policies for the development of Nghe An province be discussed by the National Assembly (NA) on June 6.

Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism Nguyen Van Hung replies to legislators' questions at the NA's 7th session. (Photo: NA)
Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism Nguyen Van Hung replies to legislators' questions at the NA's 7th session. (Photo: NA)

Hanoi (VNA) – Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism Nguyen Van Hung will continue fielding legislators’ questions and a draft resolution on the pilot supplementation of some specific mechanisms and policies for the development of Nghe An province be discussed by the National Assembly (NA) on June 6.

The question-and-answer (Q&A) activity of the NA’s ongoing 7th session will continue in the morning and be broadcast live by the radio Voice of Vietnam, the Vietnam Television, and the NA television channel.

Aside from Minister Hung, other Government members will also replying to questions about relevant issues.

Authorised by the Prime Minister, Deputy PM Tran Hong Ha will give further explanation of some issues related to the four groups of matters raised at the Q&A session and also directly respond to other queries.

After that, the parliament will hold a closed discussion about personnel affairs.

In the afternoon, the NA will listen to the submission of and a verification report on the draft law on justice for minors.

Legislators will later scrutinise a draft NA resolution on the pilot supplementation of some specific mechanisms and policies for the development of central Nghe An province.

This draft resolution features 14 policies covering finance - state budget management, investment management, urban and forest resource management, and apparatus and personnel organisation./.


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