Rafal Tomanski, a reporter from Rzeczpospolita newspaper reviewed majoractions of China in the East Sea, including its deployment of anoil rig to Vietnam’s waters and the construction of artificialislands in the sea.
He held that these moves violatedinternational law, going against the Declaration on the Conduct ofParties in the East Sea (DOC).
Making change to status quoin the area will negatively affect security and stability in the regionand the world, he said, lauding the US CNN channel’s broadcasting ofvideo showing China ’s construction of artificial islands and expansionof islands in the East Sea.
Meanwhile, Prof. DrMalgorzata Pietrasiak, a researcher on Chinese relations, analysedscientific foundation on sovereignty over the Hoang Sa (Paracel) andTruong Sa (Spratly) archipelagoes, concluding that Vietnam hassufficient legal and historical evidence affirming the country’ssovereignty over the two archipelagos.
Polish formerparliamentarian Piotr Gadzinowski asserted that recent actions of Chinain the East Sea were part of a long-term scheme and strategy ofthe country.
At the same time, Dr Anna Wysocka, a geologyexpert from the University of Warsaw, analysed geological conditionsin the East Sea and China ’s method of building the artificialislands.
She affirmed that the construction as well asthe reinforcement and expansion of islands put great impacts on thegeological structure and natural environment in the East Sea .
Nguyen Van Thai, an overseas Vietnamese in Poland, stressed that theVietnamese community in Poland and around the globe in general willcontinue struggling to protect the country’s sacred sovereignty over theHoang Sa and Truong Sa archipelagos.-VNA