In his letter, the official expressed regret that due to the spread ofthe COVID-19 epidemic, officials of the Government Committee for ReligiousAffairs, ministries, agencies and local authorities could not visit in person theEpiscopal Council of the Vietnam Catholic Church, bishops of dioceses, and dignitariesand followers of Protestant churches to share joy over the Easter festival.
Wishing all the Catholic and Protestant dignitaries and followers ahappy Easter, Thang noted that the festival this year took place amidcomplicated developments of the COVID-19 pandemic all over the world. He said with the resolve and leadership of theGovernment, the unity, consensus and joint actions of all the people and religiousorganisations including the Catholic and Protestant churches, Vietnam has donewell in effectively preventing and controlling the outbreaks, winning praisesof the international community.
“We thank the Episcopal Council and bishops of dioceses for proactivelyimplementing the instructions of the Government and all-level administrationsin disease control,” Thang wrote in his letter.
He also affirmed that the Government Committee for Religious Affairs appreciatedthe practical work and cooperation of the Protestant churches in fighting theepidemic.
The official asked the Episcopal Council of the Vietnam Catholic Church,bishops of dioceses, and Protestant churches not to organize activitiesgathering large numbers of people. Instead, they should seek other forms ofreligious practice that suit the current situation in accordance withrecommendations on disease prevention made by the health authorities, thusensuring safety for dignitaries and followers in the Easter season andcontributing to curbing the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic./.