The 42 nd ASEAN Economic Ministers Meeting (AEM-42), the 4th ASEANEconomic Community Council Meeting (AEC-4) and related meetings will beheld in Da Nang from August 22-28 with the participation of 10 ASEANeconomic ministers and eight partners - China, the Republic of Korea,Japan, Australia, New Zealand, India, the European Union (EU) andRussia.
Themed, “AEC: A community for dynamic and sustainablegrowth”, the meetings affirm ASEAN’s commitment towards both economicgrowth and balanced, stable and sustainable development, Deputy Ministerof Industry and Trade Nguyen Cam Tu told a press briefing in Hanoi onAugust 10.
The theme also matches with the ASEAN 2010 theme of,“Towards the ASEAN Community: From vision to action” and the ASEANLeaders’ Statement on Sustained Recovery and Development proposed byVietnam at the 16 th ASEAN Summit in April in Hanoi .
Participantswill discuss measures to boost ASEAN economic cooperation towards theestablishment of the ASEAN Economic Community by 2015.
The outcomes of the meetings will be submitted to the 17 th ASEAN Summit scheduled for October in Hanoi .
Onthis occasion, ASEAN and dialogue partners’ economic ministers willhave consultations to review the implementation of relevant free tradeagreements and discuss measures to promote negotiations towards newtrade arrangements.
ASEAN and Russia will hold a dialogue ateconomic ministerial level for the first time to discuss directions forthe promotion of economic and investment cooperation between the twosides in the future.
In addition to these activities, as hostcountry, Vietnam also proposes various initiatives for cooperationsuch as dialogue with the private sector in regional policy makingprocesses, and the first Consultations among Economic Ministers ofCambodia, Laos , Myanmar and Vietnam (CLMV) to discuss measures tonarrow the development gap between CLMV and other ASEAN members./.