Enhance nuclear security for peace, development: PM Dung

Speaking at the plenary session of the 2014 nuclear security summit in The Hague, Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung placed a stress on the need to enhance nuclear security for peace and development.
Speaking at the plenary session of the 2014 nuclear security summit in The Hague, Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung placed a stress on the need to enhance nuclear security for peace and development. Following is the full text of his address.

Excellency Prime Minister Mark Rutte, Ladies and Gentlemen,

On behalf of the Vietnamese Government, I wish to applaud the Dutch Government, Prime Minister Rutte, participating states and international organizations for your efforts in convening the 3rd Nuclear Security Summit. I am confident that at this Summit, we will be able to chart new and effective ways and means to consolidate nuclear security and minimize the risks of nuclear terrorism in every state and the world at large.

Vietnam is fully aware that nuclear security is the key responsibility of states. In that connection, Vietnam has taken steps to complete its regulatory framework on nuclear security, secure the control over most of the high-activity radioactive sources, and control the radioactive materials at several air- and sea-ports.

We have also developed a nuclear security culture as well as a pool of workforce for the relevant authorities, and at the same time, have actively joined international instruments and initiatives on nuclear security.

In the aftermath of the Washington Summit 2010 and the Seoul Summit 2012, Vietnam ratified the Additional Protocol in September 2012, and acceded and ratified the Convention on Physical Protection of Nuclear Material and its Amendments in October 2012.

Vietnam had worked closely with IAEA, Russia and the United States to repatriate all spent HEU fuels to Russia, and successfully completed the fuel conversion programme for the Da Lat Research Reactor in July 2013. The country also acceded to the Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management in October 2013.

Vietnam is also working actively toward joining the International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism (ICSANT).

Vietnam appreciates the central role played by the IAEA in the international nuclear security architecture. We have made active contributions to the work of IAEA, and also made good use of the latter’s assistance on nuclear security.

Vietnam, in its capacity as a member and the Chair of the IAEA Board of Governors in 2013-2014, will do its utmost, together with other partners, in consolidating nuclear security around the globe. Vietnam has been working closely with other ASEAN members to build a peaceful, stable and nuclear-weapon-free region, and at the same time, enhanced cooperation with IAEA and many other nations in developing the national infrastructure and other necessary conditions to realize the National Nuclear Power Program with safety and security.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Peaceful use of nuclear power, non-proliferation and disarmament of nuclear weapons constitute a shared goal of mankind. Alongside encouraging states to adopt voluntary actions within their capacities, it is essential to put in place concrete and suitable programmes and solutions to assist developing countries in this regard. It is also critical to improve the role played by multilateral institutions, particularly the IAEA and United Nations.

Vietnam endorses the guiding directions and comprehensive actions listed in the Communique of the Summit. Vietnam has also partaken in a number of gift baskets at this Summit.

Finally, Vietnam supports the convention of the next Summit in the United States in 2016.

Thank you for your kind attention.-VNA

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