Exhibition on President Ho Chi Minh underway in Paris

A photo and document exhibition, which features President Ho Chi Minh’s desire for national independence, is taking place in Paris, France.

The exhibition recounts President Ho Chi Minh's life and career, from his youthful years searching for a way to save the country, to when he became the beloved leader of the Vietnamese people.

Each among nearly 200 artifacts, photo, and document shows the sacrifices and hardships that the President had gone through, and the glorious victories that he and the Vietnamese nation had achieved.

Under the leadership of President Ho Chi Minh, the Vietnamese people went through sacrifices and hardships, and finally won glorious victories in the two resistance wars against the French colonialists and the US imperialists, realising the aspiration for national liberation.

The exhibition, part of a series of activities to mark the 134th birth anniversary of President Ho Chi Minh (May 19, 1890-2024), remains open to visitors until the end of June 3./.