Exloring Van Hoi: A mini Ha Long Bay in Northern midlands

Located about 120 km from Hanoi, Van Hoi lagoon (Phu Tho province), is like a mini version of Ha Long Bay. Many families take their children to this place in a one-day trip so their children can have a chance to live in nature and experience unique regional culture.

Located about 120 km from Hanoi, Van Hoi lagoon (Phu Tho province), is like a mini version of Ha Long Bay. This place is located at the end of King Hung's hometown, bordering Van Chan district, Yen Bai province.

There are many hills full of green fruit trees, tea trees, acacias, lindens, eucalyptus in this place. There are not so many tourists, so Van Hoi lagoon still retains a wild and peaceful look.

The lagoon has water filled up by large streams such as Ngoi Van, Linh, Chanh, Ha... with water from the primeval forests. At this time, it is easy to have sudden rains covering the immense lagoon.

It only takes one day to explore and experience the charming landscape as well as the lives of the people here.

Although being not far from the capital, the island still doesn't have electricity and Internet. During this season, the lagoon is home to hundreds of wild animals. The shade of trees is a place for many native birds to migrate.

Many families take their children to this place in a one-day trip so their children can have a chance to live in nature and experience unique regional culture./.


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