Hanoi (VNA) – Vietnamese intellectuals in theAustralian state of New South Wales will engage in many activities at hi-techparks in Vietnam on March 26 and 27 so as to seek ways to apply theirresearches’ outcomes in the homeland.
Those activities are part of a cooperationprogramme on technological application between the University of TechnologySydney (UTS) and the Vietnam National University, Hanoi.
The overseas intellectuals in New South Walesare building partnerships with science-technology businesses at Vietnamesehi-tech parks to apply scientific and technological advances. They are alsoworking to launch joint research projects in Vietnam.
Nghiem Duc Long, Director of the UTS’s Centrefor Technology in Water and Wastewater and head of the overseas Vietnameseintellectuals’ club in New South Wales, said in 2018, the club successfullyorganised a contest to seek research ideas with high feasibility in Vietnam. Ithas also assisted some members to conduct joint researches with experts inVietnam and attract funding from Australian organisations.
He added this year, the club will expand itsnetwork and boost the connectivity of its members so as to develop more usefulresearch projects for Vietnam and seek funding from the Australian Governmentwithin the framework of the “Aus4Innovation” programme.
Supporting the intellectuals’ activities,Vietnam’s science and technology representative office in Sydney plans toorganise seminars and conferences among overseas specialists in 2019. It willalso hold two contests to seek feasible research ideas which will later befinanced by science and technology funds to be realised.
That promises more momentum for Vietnam-Australiacooperation in science and technology, head of the office Chu Quang Hoasaid.-VNA