Family doctors network planned in HCM City

HCM City will carry out a pilot project to build a network of doctors specialising in family medicine in its districts by 2010 in order to improve health services, according to the head of the municipal Department of Health.
HCM City will carry out a pilot project to build a network of doctors specialising in family medicine in its districts by 2010 in order to improve health services, according to the head of the municipal Department of Health.

Nguyen Van Chau said the city would set up offices for family medicine specialists at three preventive health centres in districts 1, 8 and Cu Chi and the Viet Gia and Thanh Cong private general health clinics.

If the offices operate effectively, the department will expand the model in other districts.

An association of family doctors will also be created to help the department build the network.

Chau said that all of the doctors’ offices would be equipped with modern facilities.

The family doctors’ facilities in HCM City Medicine University , Nguyen Tri Phuong Hospital , People’s Hospital 115 and Gia Dinh People’s Hospital will be responsible for offering professional advice to the five offices.

Liege University in Belgium will help finance the purchase of equipment and machinery.

Chau said that the network of family doctors would be a permanent solution to the overload of patients in the city’s hospitals, and would assist in developing a health insurance law at the grassroots level.

“It is necessary to set up a network of family doctors in Vietnam ,” he said.

Family medicine physicians can treat from 70 to 80 percent of the most common ailments or diseases.

In Vietnam , family medicine has been recognised as a specialty since 2002. HCM City Medicine University has trained 31 doctors in the field.

Pham Ngoc Thach Medical University and the city health sector have sent 16 doctors to Belgium to attend courses in family medicine./.

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