Film screenings celebrate August Revolution, National Day

Film screenings began in Hanoi on August 19 to celebrate the 70 th anniversary of the August Revolution and National Day, featuring images of the country’s patriotism and sacrifice.
Film screenings celebrate August Revolution, National Day ảnh 1 People's Artist Bui Bai Binh plays the role of President Ho in "Nha tien tri". (Photo: 

 Film screenings began in Hanoi on August 19 to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the August Revolution and National Day, featuring images of the country’s patriotism and sacrifice.

On the first day, moviegoers watched “Nha Tien Tri” (The Prophet), which recounts President Ho Chi Minh’s time at the Viet Bac Resistance War Base (in the northern provinces of Cao Bang, Bac Kan, Lang Son, Tuyen Quang and Thai Nguyen) from 1947 to 1954 during the war against French colonialists.

“Kim Dong” (Young hero Kim Dong), an animated film screened the same day, depicts the short life of a young, heroic martyr, Nong Van Den – also known as Kim Dong.

The screenings will take place across the country until September 5, showing other films such as the documentary “70 Nam Dat Nuoc Niem Tin Va Anh Sang” (70 Years of the Country - Belief and Light) and “Mo Gio” (Fake Tombs).

Other revolutionary films, including “Duong Xuyen Rung” (Road through the Forest), “Nguoi Viet Huyen Thoai” (The Legendry Makers) and “Song Cung Lich Su” (Live with History), will also be shown at local cinemas./.


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