First Eastern US-bound container ship docks at Cai Mep port

The United Arab Emirates’ ZAMZAM vessel moored at Cai Mep International Terminal (CMIT), in the southern province of Ba Ria- Vung Tau on May 22, becoming the first container ship to dock in Vietnam to collect goods destined for the US East Coast.
The United Arab Emirates’ ZAMZAM vessel moored at Cai Mep International Terminal (CMIT), in the southern province of Ba Ria- Vung Tau on May 22, becoming the first container ship to dock in Vietnam to collect goods destined for the US East Coast.

The 300-metre-long ship is operated by Ocean 3, an alliance of French container transportation and shipping company CMA-CGM , China Shipping and the United Arab Shipping Company (UASC).

The 9,006-TEU-capacity vessel left China’s Yantian port for CMIT and will continue its voyage to Port Kelang-El Suweis, New York and Malta, among other destinations.

The deep-water CMIT is capable of receiving ships of up to 160,000DWT.-VNA

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