First Vietnamese economic journal included in ESCI list

The English version of the Journal of Asian Business and Economic Studies (JABES-E) has been included in the list of Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI).
First Vietnamese economic journal included in ESCI list ảnh 1Source:
Hanoi (VNA) – The English version of the Journal of Asian Business and Economic Studies (JABES-E) has been included in the list of Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI).

This is the first economic journal of Vietnam to enter the list, according to Prof. Dr. Nguyen Trong Hoai, Editor-in-Chief of JABES at the University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City.

The ESCI was launched in late 2015 by Thomson Reuters as a new database in Web of Science.

This index was produced by Clarivate Analytics since 2017, which includes over 7740 journals from various areas of research.

Journals included in the ESCI cover all disciplines and range from international and broad scope publications to those that provide deeper regional or specialty area coverage.

Web of Science Core Collection content is uniquely selective and indexing is uniquely consistent. Every article and all cited references from every journal have been indexed, creating the most comprehensive and complete citation network to power both confident discovery and trusted assessment.

Seven publications of JABES-E have been published by Emerald Publishing so far, with 58 research studies by 132 authors from 25 countries worldwide. /.


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