Of the sum, Tra fish and shrimps contributed 2.2 billion USDand 4.1 billion USD, up nearly 62% and 14.6% year-on-year, respectively.
Tra fish’s sharp increase was thanks to the strongest annualsurge in the product’s average price, at 50%. Exporters have also seized anopportunity to increase their market share created by the Russia-Ukraine conflict whichlimits the supply of white fish.
Overall, shrimp export turnover has retained good growth sofar thanks to strong rises recorded in the first half of the year. In the lasthalf, the value declined due to a decrease in market demand and a short supply of raw materials. The product’s average export price did not increase asstrongly as Tra fish, as it faced significant competitive pressure from those ofEcuador and India.
Tuna exports, notably, were said to certainly rake in 1billion USD this year, marking a new record.
General Secretary of the Vietnam Association of SeafoodExporters and Producers (VASEP) Truong Dinh Hoe said Vietnam’s fishery exporthas completely recovered after the COVID-19 pandemic, adding that the exportvalue is projected to hit 11 billion USD in 2022./.