“I warmly applaud the organisers for their inclusiveapproach in involving young people and the young MPs in preparing thisconference. It is truly commendable to see such a proactive approach in shapingthe agenda and discussions,” said Dan Carden, President of the Board of the IPUForum of Young Parliamentarians, and member of parliament (MP) of the UK in hisspeech delivered at the opening session.
In a sidelines interview granted to the Vietnam NewsAgency, he said that this is a big conference with over 300 parliamentarians frommore than 80 countries in attendance.
“It's no mean feat to bring us all together here in Hanoi, Vietnam and we havebeen welcomed and have the support of the volunteers as well. And that's beenreally important,” he noted.
“Vietnamis a fascinating country with a fascinating history, but it's also a country ofthe future. It's going to be developing rapidly in the years ahead. And digitaltechnology will be key to combating challenges, like climate change, whereVietnam is one of the most vulnerable countries to climate change,” he added.
Speakinghighly of the conference’s theme, Mojtaba Rezakhah, MP from Iran, said thisconference in Hanoi is very practical because it focuses on two main issueswhich are cyberspace and online content management, and the role of the younggeneration in the parliament.
Meanwhile, Gilang Dhielafaraez S.H. from the IndonesianHouse of Representatives said that when coming here, he saw that Vietnam hadprepared very carefully for this conference. He expressed his hope that Vietnamcan play a big role in innovation, thereby helping ASEAN become a strongcommunity.
Commentingon the Vietnam’s digital transformation, Fusanori Iwasaki, Director of the Economic Research Institute for ASEANand East Asia (ERIA) said the Vietnamese Government is actively pushing theprocess. When Vietnam achieves net zero emissions by 2050, it will make maximumuse of artificial intelligence and other digital technologies.
Thisis a challenge, he stresses, suggesting the Vietnamese Government build a legalframework for this field.
The ninth Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians, themed “The Role of Young People in Promoting the Realisation of SustainableDevelopment Goals via Digital Transformation and Innovations,” tookplace September 15-16.
Drawing more than 300 participants, the conferencesfeatured three sections on digital transformation, innovation and startups, andpromoting respect for cultural diversity in support of sustainable development./.