Foreign firms, people aid HCM City in COVID-19 fight

Indonesian businesses and nationals have presented 169 million VND (7,400 USD) and necessities worth more than 120 million VND to Ho Chi Minh City, which is Vietnam’s current largest COVID-19 hotspot. ​
Foreign firms, people aid HCM City in COVID-19 fight ảnh 1At the hand-over ceremony. (Photo: VNA)
HCM City (VNA) – Indonesian businesses and nationals have presented 169 million VND (7,400 USD) and necessities worth more than 120 million VND to Ho Chi Minh City, which is Vietnam’s current largest COVID-19 hotspot.

The gifts were handed over to the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of HCM City by Indonesia’s Acting Consul General in the city Yovanka Yoan Siahainenia on September 29.

At the hand-over ceremony, Vice President of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of HCM City Nguyen Thanh Trung thanked the Indonesian enterprises and citizens for their timely support.

The aid has practically contributed to consolidating and strengthening the fine friendship between the two countries, he said.

The official used this occasion to call on foreign businesses and communities to further support measures and policies adopted by the Vietnamese government and HCM City’s authorities to combat the pandemic and recover the economy in new normal conditions.
Foreign firms, people aid HCM City in COVID-19 fight ảnh 2Illustrative image (Source: VNA)
Edwin Setiawan Tjie, President of the Indonesian Business Association in HCM City, affirmed that Indonesian firms always pay heed to social affairs and believed that the southern economic centre will soon put the pandemic under control.

The same day, Good Neighbors International (GNI), a non-governmental organisation in the Republic of Korea (RoK), presented 1,000 gift packages valued at 500 million VND to residents affected by COVID-19 in Tan Phu district.

On September 28, Techtronic Industries Co. Ltd. of Hong Kong (China) and Deutsches Haus Ho Chi Minh Stadt Ltd. also donated 15 ventilators and other machines with a total value of 8.75 billion VND to medical facilities in the city. /.

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