Foreign Minister receives Special Envoy of UN Secretary General on Myanmar

Minister of Foreign Affairs Bui Thanh Son hosted a reception in Hanoi on January 14 for Special Envoy of the United Nations Secretary General on Myanmar Noeleen Heyzer via videoconference.
Foreign Minister receives Special Envoy of UN Secretary General on Myanmar ảnh 1At the reception (Photo: VNA)

Hanoi (VNA) – Minister of Foreign Affairs Bui Thanh Son hosted a reception in Hanoi on January 14 for Special Envoy of the United Nations Secretary General on Myanmar Noeleen Heyzer via videoconference.

Expressing concern over instability in Myanmar, both sides highlighted the top and urgent priority to ending violence, increasing humanitarian support for Myanmar citizens while promoting dialogue and trust building to seek a peaceful, comprehensive and sustainable solution that suits interests of Myanmar people.

Heyzer congratulated Vietnam on accomplishing its role as ASEAN Chair 2020 and non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council for 2020-2021. She spoke highly of the bloc’s efforts to seek a solution to Myanmar issue, especially the implementation of the Five-Point Consensus, and wished to partner with ASEAN and ASEAN Chair’s Special Envoy during the process.

Son, for his part, affirmed that Vietnam and ASEAN always consider Myanmar a member of ASEAN family so that they closely follow the situation and assist the country on the basis of respecting its independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity.

He took note of efforts made by ASEAN and Vietnam, including providing humanitarian support for people and appointing ASEAN Chair’s Special Envoy to promote dialogue and reconciliation among parties.

The minister stressed that a comprehensive and progressive approach is needed, saying that every solution must put people at the centre. He wished that the international community and the UN would create favourable conditions for dialogue and reconciliation in Myanmar as well as continue supporting ASEAN’s central role and efforts.

Speaking highly of the UN’s support for ASEAN and Myanmar, Son also affirmed that he backs active coordination between Heyzer and ASEAN Chair’s Special Envoy in the near future.

The two sides agreed to work closely together to help Myanmar return to normal for the benefits of Myanmar people as well as for peace, stability, cooperation and common development in the region./. 


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