Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh (second, left), US State Secretary Mike Pompeo (centre) and other officials at the ASEAN-US Ministerial Meeting in Singapore on August 3 (Photo: VNA)
Singapore (VNA) – Foreign ministers of ASEAN countries held meetings with theircounterparts from the bloc’s partners, including the Republic of Korea (RoK),Canada, Australia, the US, and the European Union (EU), in Singapore on August3.
DeputyPrime Minister and Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh led the Vietnamesedelegation to these meetings, where the Association of Southeast Asian Nations(ASEAN)’s partners reaffirmed that they attach importance to the relationshipwith the grouping, support its central role in the region, and will activelytake part in ASEAN-chaired forums.
Atthe meeting with the RoK, the ASEAN countries welcomed initiatives within theframework of the RoK’s “New Southern Policy”, which aims to enhance cooperationwith the bloc on the three pillars of peace, prosperity and humans.
Theforeign ministers agreed to continue efforts to facilitate trade and investmentand connect businesses and the private sector of the two sides. They notedbilateral trade has doubled over the last decade since the ASEAN-RoK Free TradeAgreement took effect in 2007, adding that they are working to boost the figureto 200 billion USD by 2020.
Atthe meeting, Cambodia – coordinator of ASEAN-RoK relations – officially handedover this role in the 2018-2021 period to Brunei.
Meetingwith the Canadian foreign minister, the ASEAN hailed the country’s activesupport for ASEAN-led mechanisms and stronger cooperation in prioritized fieldson the basis of the ASEAN-Canada Plan of Action for 2016-2020, particularly inthe fight against terrorism, violent extremism and trans-national crimes,trade-investment, connectivity, science, technology, innovation, environment, responseto climate change, education, and tourism.
Atthis event, the Philippines – coordinator for ASEAN-Canada relations –transferred the role in 2018-2021 to Myanmar.
Inanother meeting, the ASEAN and the EU recognised the positive outcomes of theASEAN-EU Plan of Action for 2018-2022, which was approved in August 2017. They emphasisedtheir commitment to promoting a rule-based international order.
Thetwo sides also encouraged each other to enhance cooperation in such fields astrade, including the possibility of resuming negotiations on an ASEAN-EU freetrade agreement, and a deal on air transport.
TheASEAN foreign ministers highly valued the EU’s assistance for the former tobolster regional connectivity and narrow development gap.
Onthis occasion, Thailand handed over the role of coordinator for ASEAN-EUrelations in 2018-2021 to Singapore.
Atthe meeting between the ASEAN and Australia, the participating officials noted stridesin the implementation of the ASEAN-Australia Plan of Action in 2015-2019. Theyagreed to step up partnerships in prioritised areas such as fighting terrorismand violent extremism, cyber security, border management and combating humantrafficking, marine security, defence, economy, adaptation to climate changeand disaster management.
Theministers pledged to maintain a free and open regional and international tradesystem. They also discussed measures to foster trade and investment tiesthrough the ASEAN-Australia-New Zealand Free Trade Agreement, adding that theyhope to soon finalise negotiations on the Regional Comprehensive EconomicPartnership (RCEP) agreement.
Atthe end of the meeting, Myanmar handed over the role of coordinator forASEAN-Australia relations to Malaysia.
Meetingwith the US Secretary of State, the ASEAN ministers stressed that the balancedand mutually beneficial economic ties between the ASEAN and the US have beenbringing enormous benefits to both sides.
USSecretary of State Mike Pompeo said the US highly values the ASEAN’s role inensuring peace and stability in the region, and the country puts the bloc atthe centre between the Indian Ocean and Pacific regions in its strategy.
Thetwo sides agreed to continue promoting ties in trade, connectivity, marinecooperation and response to trans-national challenges such as terrorism andviolent extremism.
TheASEAN welcomed the initiatives regarding security, sustainable development,good governance, education, young people, and start-up, among others.
Concludingthe event, Laos officially took over the role of coordinating ASEAN-USrelations in 2018-2021 from Malaysia.
Addressingthese meetings, Vietnamese Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Pham BinhMinh re-affirmed that the RoK, Canada, Australia, the US and the EU areimportant partners of the ASEAN.
Heapplauded the partners’ active coordination with the ASEAN to enhance dialogueand cooperation for peace, stability and development in the region.
Minhunderlined Vietnam’s support for the proposed prioritised fields of cooperationand expressed the wish to join other countries in continuing to build and realisemany concrete initiatives.–VNA