Fourth Party Congress: Guiding nation towards socialism

The fourth National Party Congress held from December 14-20, 1976, reviewed the resistance war against the US imperialists for national salvation, and guiding the nation towards socialism.
Fourth Party Congress: Guiding nation towards socialism ảnh 1The fourth National Party Congress is held from December 14-20, 1976 in Hanoi. (Photo: VNA)
Fourth Party Congress: Guiding nation towards socialism ảnh 2Thong Nhat train from Ho Chi Minh City arrives in Hanoi in the happiness of the capital city’s people, officially marking the launch of the North-South rail route, Jan. 4, 1977. (Photo: VNA)
Fourth Party Congress: Guiding nation towards socialism ảnh 3Prime Minister Pham Van Dong and Lao Prime Minister Kaysone Phomvihane sign the Vietnam-Laos Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Vientiane, July 18, 1977. (Photo: VNA)
Fourth Party Congress: Guiding nation towards socialism ảnh 4Vietnam joins the United Nations on September 20, 1977. This is a historical milestone, marking the world’s largest organisation and international community’s recognition of Vietnam, a peaceful, united, independent, free and democratic country. (Photo: VNA)
Fourth Party Congress: Guiding nation towards socialism ảnh 5Party General Secretary Le Duan, Prime Minister Pham Van Dong and General Secretary of the Soviet Communist Party Central Committee sign the Vietnam-Soviet Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation in Kremlin Palace in Moscow, November 4, 1978. (Photo: VNA Archives)
Fourth Party Congress: Guiding nation towards socialism ảnh 6Soldiers fight in the southwestern border battle field, 1978. (Photo: VNA Archives)
Fourth Party Congress: Guiding nation towards socialism ảnh 7Public security forces join in defending the Dong Dang fortress in Lang Son during the northern border defence war, February 1979. (Photo: VNA)
Fourth Party Congress: Guiding nation towards socialism ảnh 8Acting President Nguyen Huu Tho signs an order to announce the new Constitution, December 1980. (Photo: VNA)
Fourth Party Congress: Guiding nation towards socialism ảnh 9Vietnamese astronaut Pham Tuan and Soviet Union cosmonaut Viktor Gorbatko make a spaceflight at 21:33:3 (Moscow time) on July 23, 1980 under the Vietnam-Soviet Intercosmos cooperation programme. (Photo: VNA)

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