Directed by Olivier Antoine, Ce qui Reste mixes dance, acrobatics, wood pole, music and video harmoniously.
Itis inspired by a case study in American neurologist Oliver Sack's bookThe Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat, described in one of the book'schapters, The Lost Mariner.
It tells the story about a man who loses his memory, and lives from one moment to the next with an inability to recall events.
OUltimo Momento was founded in 2004 by Portuguese circus performer JoaoPaulo Dos Santos and French musician Guillaume Dutrieux.
The company, based in France, travels regularly throughout Europe and also tours in Asia, North America and South Africa.
In 2008, O Ultimo Momento has performed at the Hue Festival and French Spring Festival in Hanoi.
OUltimo Momento mainly focuses on the discipline of Chinese Mast, aspecialty of Joao Paulo Dos Sants who is considered a forerunner in thefield of local contemporary circuses.
The company has had threelong-form creations, including Maybe (2005), Contigo (2006) and Throwup, created in 2010 and re-created in 2012 under the title Ce qui Reste(What Remains).-VNA