Full-time NA deputies debate major draft laws

Full-time National Assembly (NA) deputies convened a three-day meeting in Hanoi to scrutinise important draft laws scheduled to be addressed at the parliament’s ninth session in late May.
Full-time National Assembly (NA) deputies convened a three-day meeting in Hanoi to scrutinise important draft laws scheduled to be addressed at the parliament’s ninth session in late May.

NA Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung said draft laws open for discussion are major bills critical to the NA’s law-making activities at the upcoming ninth session.

He asked the full-time members, which now account for 28 percent of the total 500 NA deputies, to carefully consider and give multifaceted opinions on the draft laws.

During the first working day on April 15, deputies mulled over the debatable contents of the draft law on legal document issuance, which was also appraised at the NA’s eighth session in late 2014 and the recent meeting of the NA Standing Committee.

The Standing Committee said it is necessary to give district authorities the right to issue legal documents to ensure these documents match local conditions. The bill must clearly stipulate issuance processes to minimise the current inefficiency of a number of district-level legal documents.

Members of the Committee suggested the right to promulgate legal documents not be given to grassroots communal authorities already in charge of implementing legal documents. They underscored many communal documents are either replicates of already existing documents or are not in accordance with those of upper agencies.

Some argued that communal authorities are State managerial agencies at the grassroots level and have the competence to issue legal documents. Rather, current shortcomings are ascribable to officials’ limited capacity.

Several full-time members said this issue needs thorough consideration to avoid obstacles in performing the duties of communal authorities. The NA should seek solutions to low quality legal documents instead of revoking local administrations’ rights.-VNA

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