GIZ project to nurture German startup ideas in Vietnam

German development agency GIZ on February 26 hosted a virtual event called “Innovate for Impact” to attract new business ideas from German alumni who are interested in applying them in Vietnam.
GIZ project to nurture German startup ideas in Vietnam ảnh 1German development agency GIZ on February 26 hosts a virtual event called “Innovate for Impact” to attract new business ideas from German alumni who are interested in applying them in Vietnam. (Photo: VNA)
Hanoi (VNA) – German development agency GIZ on February 26 hosted a virtual event called “Innovate for Impact” to attract new business ideas from German alumni who are interested in applying them in Vietnam.

Part of the 12-month project “Business Ideas for Development”, the event aimed to connect successful entrepreneurs with German alumni who wish to do business in Vietnam this year.

It will be followed by a start-up training course “Business Ideas for Development” (BID Vietnam 2.0). The three most outstanding impact start-up ideas will go through to the next rounds – start-up consultation and start-up acceleration – which will take place in March 2023.

BID, a component of the GIZ’s Programme Migration and Diaspora (PMD), provides knowledge and consultation for German alumni to translate their innovative ideas and what they had learnt in their country into reality for sustainable development goals in Vietnam.

Pham Ngoc Linh from GIZ said the in the first year, BID supported more than 20 German alumni and provided training for five startups with the most sustainable impact ideas in the fields of agriculture, tourism and environment.

Four had received 5,000 EUR (about 5,640 USD) each in funding to establish their business, develop brands and conduct trial production, Linh said./.

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