Gov't issues new resolution on improving national competitiveness

Government issues new resolution on improving national competitiveness

The Government on January 1 issued a resolution setting targets for improving the business environment and national competitiveness for 2019 through to 2021.
Government issues new resolution on improving national competitiveness ảnh 1Clients at the State Treasury in Nam Tu Liem district, Hanoi (Photo: VNA)
Hanoi (VNA) -The Government on January 1 issued a resolution setting targets for improving thebusiness environment and national competitiveness for 2019 through to 2021.

Theresolution, No 02/NQ-CP, replaced Resolution 19 which has been implemented forfive years. The renumbering of the resolution demonstrated the Government’spriority in fostering the quality of Vietnam’s business environment.

Theobjective of the resolution is to improve Vietnam’s positions in internationalrankings on business environment tracked by the World Bank (WB), World EconomicForum (WEF), World Intellectual Property Organisations (WIPO) and UnitedNations (UN). This has great importance given the rapid development of theIndustry 4.0.

Vietnamhas set targets to improve its rankings by up to seven positions in the WB’sDoing Business Index in 2019 and 15-20 places by 2021; 3-5 positions in the WEF’sGlobal Competitiveness in 2019 and 5-10 places by 2021; and 2-3 spots in theWIPO’s Global Innovation in 2019 and 5-7 places by 2021.

Thecountry’s rankings in the WB’s Logistics Performance, WEF’s TourismCompetitiveness and UN’s E-Government Index would be increased by 5-10 placesthis year and 10-15 grades by 2020.

Inaddition, Vietnam is targeting to be among ASEAN 4 with the bestbusiness environment by 2021.

Toensure the success, the Government requests a stronger commitment andresponsibility of assigned ministries in supervising the implementation ofsolutions to improve the overall rankings and component indices tracked byinternational organisations.

Fiveministries are assigned for this task including Ministry of Planning andInvestment (MPI), Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Industry andTrade, Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and Ministry of Information andCommunications.

Improvingthe business environment will focus on four key priorities, including simplifyingprocedures; continuing reforms in specialised inspections and connecting theNational Single Window Portal; promoting electronic payment andproviding e-public services at level four (highest level); and developinginnovation ecosystems and supporting startups.

Regardingthe first task on simplifying procedures for doing business, the Government hasrequested ministries and ministerial-level agencies to continue reviewing andsubmitting to the Government the plans for abolishing and simplifying unclearand unnecessary business conditions before 2019’s third quarter.

Theministries also need to speed up the drafting of the relevant laws underrevision and submit it to the Government for submission to the NationalAssembly; thoroughly implement the approved plan for removing businessobstacles; and fully publicise the business conditions that has been eliminatedand simplified in 2018.

Forreforms in specialised inspections, the State agencies have to follow theprinciples of risk management based on evaluation and analysis of corporatecompliance and volumes of goods, shifting to post-inspection, mainly at thestage of goods circulation in the domestic market; increasing transparency inthe list of goods subject to specialised inspection with clear HS codes; andapplying online service at the highest level.

Inthe first quarter, the ministries must fully announce on their websites thelist of goods which are no longer under specialist inspection (along with HScode). Before June, the authorities must complete the review and reduce 50 percentof the goods subject to specialised inspection and publicise this list.

Thisyear, specialised inspection procedures should be carried out by one singlefocal point for a product or goods.

Inthe resolution, the Government also emphasised the task of promoting electronicpayment and providing online public services following which at least 30 percentof public services should be done online at the highest level and allow peopleand businesses to make cashless payments.

Stateagencies must develop innovative ecosystems, encourage and support creativestartups. This policy will put enterprises at the centre, strengthen the roleof universities in research and development, and promote the establishment ofprivate research institutes, especially in the field of science and technology.

Leadersof the provinces have to monitor and direct provincial departments to properlyimplement this policy and handle the staff and agencies who fail to comply withthe new regulations.

TheMinistry of Planning and Investment and Ministry of Finance preside and assessthe performance and actual impact of the reforms on the sectors and enterprisesin 2018 and report to the Prime Minister and Government in June this year.-VNA

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