Hanoi (VNA) - Deputy Prime Minister Trinh Dinh Dung has urged localities topromptly take measures to prevent Vietnamese fishermen from illegally fishingin foreign waters.
Hemade the request at a meeting with ministries and agencies and authorities ofcoastal localities on May 30 to tackle the problem, which is ongoing and hasbeen getting worse since the end of 2015 in the central provinces of QuangNgai, Binh dinh and Binh Thuan as well as southern provinces of Kien Giang, Ca Mau,Ba Ria-Vung Tau, Ben Tre and Tien Giang.
Atthe meeting, participants said that fishery is a key economic sector that hasplayed an important role in the development of the country.
However,some fishermen illegally fished in foreign waters, risking their property andlives as well as Vietnam’s prestige in the international arena and itsdiplomatic relations with other countries.
Theproblem has also harmed the export of Vietnamese seafood products abroad.
Themeeting participants blamed the situation on economic factors and thefishermen’s lack of awareness.
IneffectiveState management and lenient punishments were also issues, as was the sharpreduction of seafood resources in some of Vietnam’s waters.
DeputyPM Dung asked ministries and localities to continue implementing the PrimeMinister’s Directive No 689 issued in 2010, the PM’s official order No 1329issued in 2012 and the latest official order of the PM issued on Sunday onpreventing, reducing and ending the issue.
Theywere also asked to adjust regulations to match international commitments andadjust policies and regulations to tighten management to prevent Vietnamesefishermen from illegally fishing in foreign waters.
Thedeputy PM asked Chairmen of People’s Committees of coastal localities to guidethe implementation of measures to prevent the ongoing violation, saying theywill have to bear responsibility before the Prime Minister for any violationstaking place in their localities.
Agencieswere directed to complete mechanisms on fisheries and to review and supplementlegal documents to increase punishments for ship owners and to clarify theresponsibilities of authorities in cases of illegal fishing.
Maritimelaw enforcement forces will increase patrols to protect fishermen in Vietnamesewaters, Dung said.
Forthe long-term, Dung asked for improved information dissemination on relevantlaws to raise awareness of local authorities and fishermen on the impacts ofviolations on the country, their families and themselves.
Healso instructed agencies to review, complete and implement fisheriesdevelopment programmes and strategies, including the master plan on reorganisingproduction in fisheries exploitation and the fisheries development master planuntil 2020 with a vision to 2030.
Dungasked ministries and agencies to continue negotiating and signing agreements onseafood co-operation with countries inside and outside of the region.
PMofficial order
PrimeMinister Nguyen Xuan Phuc on May 21 issued an official order requesting leadersfocus on preventing Vietnamese fishermen from illegally fishing in foreignwaters.
Herequested the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development launch a nationalaction plan on preventing, reducing and eliminating illegal, unreported andunregulated (IUU) fishing, and make amendments to current regulations and addterms of punishments to better regulate vessels’ owners, captains,organisations and individuals that conduct IUU fishing.
Healso requested the ministry increase international collaboration on fishing,establish an international illegal fishing prevention hotline, carry out maritimepatrols with other countries and popularise Vietnam’s and internationalregulations on fishing in areas where illegal fishing is common.
TheMinistry of Defence, meanwhile, is responsible for regulating fishing vesselsby ensuring they have completed necessary procedures, as well as checkingdocuments before allowing them to sail and return to land.
Theministry is also responsible for patrolling maritime borders and overlappingwaters between countries.
TheMinistry of Information and Communication is responsible for popularising thedelimitation of waters between Vietnam and some neighbouring countries amongcitizens, as well as Vietnamese and international regulations on seafoodharvesting.
Thechairmen of people’s committees of localities and leaders of local sectorswhere illegal fishing is common are responsible for reviewing, investigatingand imposing penalties on authorities that perpetuate illegal fishing. Theymust also report their investigation results to the Prime Minister before August15.-VNA