HaiPhong (VNA) – An event aiming to raise public awareness aboutlifestyle-related disease prevention was held in the northern port city of HaiPhong on September 8.
Theevent, held by the Centre for Preventive Medicine of Hai Phong city and KagawaPrefecture of Japan, is part of a project to prevent lifestyle-related diseasesin Hai Phong city.
Addressingthe event, Director of the municipal Centre for Preventive Medicine Do ManhCuong said that the project was built with support of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and is being implementedalong with Kagawa Prefecture and the Department of Education and Training ofthe city.
The first phase of the project was launched in2010-2014, which focused on the training and capacity enhancement for healthworkers of the municipal Centre for Preventive Medicine. Meanwhile,the second phase building of preventive models against lifestyle diseases beganin 2016 and runs until 2019.
Theproject aims to establish a model against lifestyle diseases and disseminateinformation to all local schools, he noted.
Furthermore,the project will provide training for health workers in schools, as well aswork to integrate the model into school curricula and arrange additional refreshercourses if needed.
In2016-2017, the Hai Phong’s Centre for Preventive Medicine held medicalexaminations and surveyed eating habits and lifestyle to assess nutrition,obesity rate and related factors of students in two local primary schools.
Theresults showed that the rate of overweight students in Dinh Tien Hoang and LeHong Phong schools remained high at 48.7 percent and 51.8 percent, while the obesityrate stood at 22.9 percent and 24.1 percent, respectively.
Manystudents were reported to have high-risk habits that lead to excess weight andobesity, while most of only participate in physical activities at school.-VNA