Handicapped, orphans receive wheelchairs, scholarships

The Sponsoring Association for the Disabled and Orphans of Binh Thuan province has teamed up with the HCM City Sponsoring Association for Poor Patients to support the handicapped of Binh Thuan
Handicapped, orphans receive wheelchairs, scholarships ảnh 1A class for people with disabilities at the Binh Duong Vocational Training Centre. (Photo: VNA)

 Hanoi (VNA) – The Sponsoring Association for the Disabled and Orphans of southern Binh Thuan province has teamed up with the HCM City Sponsoring Association for Poor Patients to support the handicapped of Binh Thuan province. 

At a ceremony on September 22, the organisations gave 50 wheelchairs to people with disabilities and victims of Agent Orange/dioxin helping them struggle against hardships.

About 20,000 people with disabilities live in Binh Thuan.

Over the years, the Binh Thuan Sponsoring Association for the Disabled and Orphans has conducted various activities to help handicapped people, including issuing health insurance cards, providing transport and helping disabled people look for jobs.

In the southern province of Binh Duong, the provincial Sponsoring Association for the Disabled and Orphans presented 154 scholarships, 90 bicycles and 65 wheelchairs to people with disabilities, orphans and Agent Orange victims. Orphans also received notebooks and meals.-VNA


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