It is one of the aims of a plan by the municipal people’s committeetargeting the period 2021-25, with a vision to 2030.
The plan aims to increase awareness, capacity and responsibility ofauthorities at different levels, concerned organisations, employers, communityand parents in preventing child labour.
The city will give support to all children at high risk of childlabour, or being sold for labour. As many as 90 percent of childrenat high risk of child labour will have access to education and propervocational training by 2025.
Hanoi is also aiming to reach 90 percent of teachers and workers at childrensponsoring centres, 80 percent of parents and caregivers, 85 percent ofchildren and 90 percent of enterprises, especially small- andmedium-enterprises, receiving enough information and education about childlabour prevention.
Seventy percent of households in trade villages will also receive trainingabout child labour prevention.
To reach the target, the city has asked authorities at different levels toinsert the targets into plans, duties, strategies and programmes forsocio-economic development.
The targets will also be inserted in programmes to set up new rural livingstyles, welfare and poverty reduction and vocational training policies.
Authorities at different levels will work closely with each other inpreventing and reducing child labour, especially in supporting those sold forlabour.
The city will improve education programmes to raise community’s awareness aboutthe issue to ensure child rights.
More management and care will be given to children in poor families andemployers in trade villages.
As of the end of 2019, Hanoi had nearly 1.86 million under-16-year-olds,making up 23.2 percent of the total city population.
Nearly 41,000 children are at high risk of child labour, but the capitalcity has not reported a case of illegal child labour.
In the period 2016-20, the city regularly gave education on child labourprevention, inspected child care and protection. Thanks to this, nearly 18,000children and nearly 1,600 households with children at high risk of childlabour received support./.