He said Vietnam has been honoured for its call to enforce HanoiDeclaration and a series of resolutions adopted at the five-day 132ndIPU Assembly that wrapped up in Hanoi on April 1, gatheringparliamentarians from 133 countries and 12 regional and globalinter-parliamentary organisations.
The IPU-132agenda focused on “Sustainable Development Goals: Turning words intoaction” with the vision to bring commitments to life in water resources,cyber security and international law – critical issues impacting theworld as it enters a new post-2015 growth period.
In their speeches, Vietnamese leaders made it clear that Vietnamcontinually strives with international community to build a world ofpeace, stability, cooperation and prosperity.
Parliamentarians reaffirmed the vision of a people-centred sustainabledevelopment agenda based on the realisation of universal human rights,eradicating poverty, and eliminating inequalities, thus empoweringindividuals to exercise their full potential.
Supporting an ambitious set of 17 goals, they committed to doing theirutmost to strengthen national ownership of the goals, particularly byraising awareness among their constituents.
Asrepresentatives of the people, the legislative bodies tookresponsibility for ensuring each and every voice is heard in thepolitical process without discrimination and regardless of socialstatus.
Commenting on Vietnam’s contributionsto the successful IPU-132, Chowdhury said Vietnam played an importantrole in the agenda, preparations, session discussions and sidelineevents.
President of the House of Councillorsof Morocco Mohamed Cheik Biadillah praised Vietnam’s message to the IPUgathering, saying the nation has placed human beings at the centre ofits growth, a common global trend.
DanishAmbassador John Nielsen, for his part, said the IPU-132 afforded Hanoian opportunity to showcase its traditional beauty to thousands ofparliamentarians from all over the world.
As partof the agenda, a solidarity gala night at the Culture-Tourism Village ofVietnamese ethnic groups in Dong Mo, Son Tay district, Hanoi broughttogether parliamentarians and representatives from 54 Vietnamese ethnicgroups from the mountainous areas in the north, the central – CentralHighlands, and the southwest region. The gala enhanced the globalperception of Vietnam as a beautiful and hospitable country.-VNA