According to the city's Coordinating Office for theNew-Style Rural Area Building Programme, as of 2019, Hanoi had 1,649 OCOPproducts, including four rated five stars, 1,098 four-star and 534 three-starproducts.
The municipal Department of Agriculture and RuralDevelopment, the Department of Industry and Trade and the Hanoi PromotionAgency have organised various events and fairs to promote such products,helping them win the trust of consumers.
The office has also coordinated with TikTok Vietnam toequip producers and other stakeholders with skills in putting up products forsale on the e-commerce platform.
Phuong Dinh Anh, deputy chief of the CentralCoordination Office for New Rural Area Development, said ample room remains forHanoi’s OCOP products.
However, he pointed out that the products mainly comefrom traditional craft villages, and there are not many innovative products,along with other limitations in this regard.
The city plans to build five pilot centres fordesign, innovation and promotion of OCOP products in combination with tourismdevelopment in Gia Lam, Thuong Tin, Phu Xuyen and Chuong My districts, and SonTay town.
The models are expected to bring together artisans,young designers, researchers and representatives from universities andinternational organsiations.
Hanoi aims to have an additional 2,000 OCOP productsrated three stars and above by 2025.
The OCOP programme, initiated by the MARD in 2008,is based on Japan’s “One Village, One Product” programme and Thailand’s “OneTambon, One Product”. It is an economic development programme for rural areasand also to help implement the national target programme on new-style ruralarea building.
OCOP products are made based on the combination oflocal resources, traditional culture, and advanced technology. The programmelooks to provide farmers with a chance to come together to form cooperatives,enabling them to create goods with higher quality and better design andpackaging that meet higher standards and market demand./.