Hanoi marks Party’s founding anniversary

Politburo member Pham Quang Nghi has highlighted the Party’s guidelines and sound leadership, the development of fine national traditions and the entire people’s fighting and working spirit to VN's glorious revolutionary victories over the past 81 years.
Politburo member Pham Quang Nghi has highlighted the Party’s platform, guidelines and sound leadership based on Marxism-Leninism and late President Ho Chi Minh’s Thought, the development of fine national traditions and mankind’s cultural quintessence and the entire people’s fighting and working spirit to Vietnam’s glorious revolutionary victories over the past 81 years.

Nghi, who is also Secretary of the Hanoi Municipal Party Committee, made the remark at a ceremony to celebrate the 81st anniversary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) (Feb. 3) in Hanoi on January 31.
Party General Secretary and National Assembly Chairman Nguyen Phu Trong attended the event.

The Politburo member expressed his gratitude to late President Ho Chi Minh who founded and led the Party and revolutionary martyrs and people who sacrificed their lives for the nation and the Party’s glorious revolutionary cause.
Despite the revolution’s ups and downs, the Party has always maintained the leading role and its sound and creative guidelines have been decisive factors for all successes of the country’s revolution.

The Hanoi Party leader also spoke highly of the city’s great achievements in 2010, which contributed to the country’s development, including an economic growth rate of 11 percent and annual per capita income of 37 million VND.

Hanoi made a great impression on international friends with the successful organisation of the Thang Long-Hanoi millennial anniversary, he added.

He took the occasion to call on the Party Committee, authorities and mass organisations and people of the city to uphold the solidarity spirit and build a more modern and civilised city./.

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