Hanoi rearranges traffic to reduce congestion

Deputy Chairman of Hanoi People's Committee Nguyen Quoc Hung has authorised the city's Transport Department to reduce traffic congestion at the city's traffic intersections as the New Year approaches.
Hanoi rearranges traffic to reduce congestion ảnh 1Hanoi's crowded street at peak hour (Source:baogiaothong.vn)

Hanoi (VNA) - Deputy Chairman of Hanoi People's Committee Nguyen Quoc Hung has authorised the city's Transport Department to reduce traffic congestion at the city's traffic intersections as the New Year approaches.

Hung has asked the Transport Department to work with the Police Department and local authorities and implement the measures in this regard.

Under the proposed plans, traffic will be reorganised at Nguyen Thai Hoc-Son Tay-Tran Phu-Le Truc area. Traffic lights on Giang Van Minh-Kim Ma Intersection and the area under the Nga Tu So Flyover will be restored.

Son Tay Street at the section from Kim Ma to Tran Phu will become a two-way street.

Trucks will be banned from travelling at peak hours in the morning and afternoon at the north of Vinh Tuy Bridge and Nhat Tan Bridge to reduce traffic jams.

The Transport Department will also study the expansion of Pham Van Dong and Tran Quoc Hoan Lane and rearrange traffic at Dien Bien Phu-Tran Phu Intersection to facilitate movement of traffic.-VNA


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