Over the past time, collaboration between the Vietnamese capitaland the US has achieved positive results in many fields, including 316.9million USD in the US’s foreign direct investment in the city. Regardingtourism cooperation, Hanoi is implementing the 2019-2024 cooperation programme withthe US Cable News Network (CNN) to popularise the image of Hanoi to US andinternational tourists.
As for cooperation with US localities, the Hanoi People'sCommittee signed a memorandum of understanding to establish friendly andcooperative relations with the Utah state administration in 2017, and is discussingwith the authorities of Los Angeles on the establishment and promotion ofcooperation between the two cities, Dung highlighted.
In 2021, within the framework of US Vice President KamalaHarris's visit to Vietnam, Hanoi and the US Embassy held a ceremony to sign aland lease contract for the embassy’s new headquarters, which has become asymbol of collaboration and helped promote the development of bilateralrelations between the two countries in the future.
The Hanoi leader also showed his hope that Ambassador Knapper,during his new tenure in Vietnam, will act as a bridge consolidating andfostering the relations between Vietnam and the US as well as between Hanoi andUS localities.

He said he hopes Hanoi will soon reopen its schools, and theUS will provide possible support for the city in this issue.
Regarding economic, trade and tourism cooperation,Ambassador Knapper said the US will help Hanoi attract more touristsand investors from his country to Vietnam./.