Hanoi students back to school after coronavirus closures

Students in many localities nationwide, including Hanoi, are back to school on May 4 morning after a three-month closure due to COVID-19 pandemic.
Hanoi students back to school after coronavirus closures ảnh 1Students in all secondary and high schools in Hanoi are back to school after coronavirus closures (Photo: Minh Son/Vietnam+)
Hanoi students back to school after coronavirus closures ảnh 2All students in My Dinh 1 secondary school undergo body temperature measurement before they enter classes (Photo: Minh Son/Vietnam+)
Hanoi students back to school after coronavirus closures ảnh 3Body temperature of all students in My Dinh 1 secondary school are carefully measured before they enter classes (Photo: Minh Son/Vietnam+)
Hanoi students back to school after coronavirus closures ảnh 4Body temperature measurement is applied to all students, teachers and school staff (Photo: Minh Son/Vietnam+)
Hanoi students back to school after coronavirus closures ảnh 5Students are required to keep a safety distance among one another while their body temperature is measured as recommended by the Ministry of Health (Photo: Minh Son/Vietnam+)
Hanoi students back to school after coronavirus closures ảnh 6(Photo: Minh Son/Vietnam+)
Hanoi students back to school after coronavirus closures ảnh 7Students are asked to wash their hands before entering their classes (Photo: Minh Son/Vietnam+)
Hanoi students back to school after coronavirus closures ảnh 8After stepping out from school bus, students from Marie Curie school undergo body temperature measurement before entering school (Photo: Minh Son/Vietnam+)
Hanoi students back to school after coronavirus closures ảnh 9All teachers from Marie Curie school stand at school gate to greet students on May 5 morning after a long coronavirus closure (Photo: Minh Son/Vietnam+)
Hanoi students back to school after coronavirus closures ảnh 10To celebrate the first day back to school, each student in Marie Curie school is presented with a small gift from their teachers (Photo: Minh Son/Vietnam+)
Hanoi students back to school after coronavirus closures ảnh 11Many students tell reporters that being back to school after ‘COVID-19 break’ brings them even more happiness than returning school following summer vacation as the former break was unprecedented (Photo: Minh Son/Vietnam+)
Hanoi students back to school after coronavirus closures ảnh 12Marie Curie school headmaster Nguyen Xuan Khang says he had a sleepless night as he was so excited to welcome his students in the morning (Photo: Minh Son/Vietnam+)
Hanoi students back to school after coronavirus closures ảnh 13From May 1 to 3, staff of Marie Curie school joined hands to clean up and disinfect the school. They also prepared 10,000 masks for students on their first day back to school (Photo: Minh Son/Vietnam+)
Hanoi students back to school after coronavirus closures ảnh 14Hand sanitiser is well equipped in each class and in school yard so that students can wash their hands regularly (Photo: Minh Son/Vietnam+)
Hanoi students back to school after coronavirus closures ảnh 15During three months off due to COVID-19, students still studied online so now they are confident when being back to school (Photo: Minh Son/Vietnam+)
Hanoi students back to school after coronavirus closures ảnh 16Students are asked to keep a safe distance among one another when having meals in the school canteen (Photo: Minh Son/Vietnam+)
Hanoi students back to school after coronavirus closures ảnh 17‘We have prepared all necessary safety measures, including compulsory body temperature measurement for all students, and desk rearrangement in class. We also have a room for quarantine in case a student show symptoms of the disease’, says headmaster of Marie Curie school Nguyen Xuan Khang (Photo: Minh Son/Vietnam+)
Hanoi students back to school after coronavirus closures ảnh 18Nguyen Hoang Viet, a student in 7th grade tells reporter that his parents have bought him a protective face shield to wear in class and asked him not to gather in crowds when finishing school (Photo: Minh Son/Vietnam+)
Hanoi students back to school after coronavirus closures ảnh 19Teachers in Marie Curie spend the first school session on May 4 to inform students of necessary safety measures when in school (Photo: Minh Son/Vietnam+)

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