Hau Giang (VNA) - The Mekong Delta province of Hau Giang is keen to enhanceinvestment cooperation with enterprises from the Republic of Korea (RoK) in fieldswhere it possesses strength, including farm produce processing, manufacturing,and the production of agricultural tools.
At a working session with representatives from Vietnam’s Ministry of ForeignAffairs and RoK Ambassador to Vietnam Park Noh-wan on August 19, Chairman ofthe provincial People’s Committee Le Tien Chau thanked localities and enterprisesin the RoK for their support for and cooperation with Hau Giang in recent times.
He suggested the ambassador help the province find experts to support it inbuilding its socio-economic development plan 2021-2030 and vision to 2050 andin providing Korean language and vocational training for local workers.
Deputy Foreign Minister Le Hoai Trung said Mekong Delta provinces are newdestinations for investors with potential in agriculture, farm produce processing,high-quality agriculture, and new industries. He expressed his hope that AmbassadorPark will help Hau Giang establish ties with suitable RoK localities in thetime to come.
For his part, the ambassador said his country is cooperating with Vietnam and othercountries in the Mekong Sub-region in key fields such as developing shrimpvalue chains and renewable energy and responding to water shortages in theMekong River basin.
The RoK government also plans to expand cooperation in sharing experience on sustainabledevelopment, health, education, agriculture, water management, and climatechange adaptation, he added.
The RoK aims to strengthen cooperation with the Mekong River region, includingHau Giang province, he said.
He promised to do his utmost to promote RoK investment in the Mekong Deltaregion and to expand exchanges between localities from the two countries.
Numerous working delegations from Hau Giang have visited localities in the RoK since2013 to set up and promote investment cooperation in a host of fields. The provincehas to date signed 18 memoranda of understanding on cooperation with RoKlocalities, organisations, and enterprises.
The RoK is now Vietnam’s largest foreign investor, pouring in over 68 billionUSD and creating about 700,000 jobs. It is also Vietnam’s second-largest tradepartner./.