It is part of thecity’s programme on AI research and development for the 2020-30, which wasrecently approved by the municipal People’s Committee, aiming to turn HCM Cityinto a hub of Vietnam and ASEAN in the field.
In addition, the citywill look for qualified personnel in the spheres of data science, big dataanalysis, natural language processing, computer vision, speech recognition,information security and Internet of Things, among others.
The southern economichub has set a target to raise the number of AI research papers and patents by20 percent in the period.
Vietnam sets a goal ofbeing listed in Top 4 in ASEAN and Top 50 of the world in terms of AI research,development and application by 2030.
The target was set ina National Strategy on AI Research, Development and Application by 2030recently approved by Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc.
The strategy aims atstepping up AI research, development and application to make it an importanttechnological industry of Vietnam./.