HCM City faces shortage of 2 billion USD for infrastructure

HCM City faces a deficit of around 42 trillion VND (2 billion USD) in infrastructure funding over the next five years, the head of a State financial firm has said.
HCM City faces shortage of 2 billion USD for infrastructure ảnh 1Illustrative image (Source: http://english.vietnamnet.vn)

HCM City (VNA) – HCM City faces a deficit of around 42 trillion VND (2 billion USD) in infrastructure funding over the next five years, the head of a State financial firm has said.

Speaking at a meeting on December 25, Pham Phu Quoc, General Director the HCM City Financial Investment Company (HFIC), said the city needs 203.1 trillion VND (9.1 billion USD) through 2020, especially to ease traffic congestion and prevent flooding.

But it can only mobilise around 123.2 trillion VND (5.5 billion USD) from Government funds and official development assistance besides 37 trillion VND (1.6 billion USD) from the national support fund for enterprise reorganisation, he said.

HFIC hopes to overcome the 2 billion USD shortage by adopting the public-private partnership model, raising money through bonds and borrowing at home and abroad, he said.

He called on city authorities to seek Government sanction for HFIC to retain its profits to have more funds for infrastructure development. It is now only allowed to keep 30 percent and transfer the rest to the Government.

Tran Du Lich, deputy head of the city delegation of the National Assembly, was quote by the Tuoi Tre (Youth) newspaper as telling the meeting that if HFIC is allowed to retain its earnings, its chartered capital, now only 7.6 trillion VND, would increase.

If it has a large capital, the company can issue bonds instead of borrowing from banks, he added.-VNA


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