HCM City People’s Council convenes 23rd session

The 9th-tenure People’s Council of Ho Chi Minh City convened its 23rd session on December 7 to review the implementation of socio-economic tasks this year and put forth tasks and solutions for 2021.
HCM City People’s Council convenes 23rd session ảnh 1Nguyen Thien Nhan, head of HCM City’s delegation of National Assembly deputies, speaks at the session. (Photo: VNA)

HCM City (VNA)
- The 9th-tenure People’s Council of Ho Chi Minh City convened its 23rd session on December 7 to review the implementation of socio-economic tasks this year and put forth tasks and solutions for 2021.

The council will also look at local budget collection and spending this year and budget collection and spending estimates for 2021, among other issues.

In his remarks, Nguyen Thien Nhan, head of HCM City’s delegation of National Assembly deputies, lauded the city’s efforts in fighting COVID-19 and promoting economic recovery and development during the year.

He urged the southern metropolis to adopt plans on rearranging the management apparatus in districts and wards where people’s councils have been abolished, along with plans on intensifying the supervision of the municipal People’s Council and Fatherland Front.

Secretary of the municipal Party Committee Nguyen Van Nen said the city People’s Council should be deeply aware of its supervisory role in the implementation of tasks set for 2021.

NA Vice Chairman Uong Chu Luu said the council needs to closely coordinate with relevant agencies in organising the election of deputies to the NA and People’s Councils at all levels.

To successfully roll out the urban administration model, the municipal People’s Council and People’s Committee should join hands with centrally-run agencies in drafting relevant documents, he suggested.

During the session, the Chairperson of the People’s Committee will clear up questions on the implementation of socio-economic development tasks as well as the operation of the committee./.

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