The works includea rainwater drainage system, tide-control system and wastewatertreatment facilities, according to the HCM City Flood Combating Centre.
Toprotect 55,450ha of inner districts from flooding, the city needs eighttide-control culverts, 68 sewers and hundreds of kilometres ofembankment along the Saigon River and the extensive network of canals.
Construction of these structures is expected to be completed by 2018.
Others such as the drainage system and pumping stations will be built subsequently.
Fundsfor building and upgrading drainage systems is expected to come fromthe Government's coffers, the four waste water treatment plants will befunded by from PPPs (public-private partnership), and the remainingprojects will raise loans.
The centre has called on theGovernment to approve the works so that they can get underway, providefunds for them, and instruct related ministries and agencies to dispatchexperts to help HCM City oversee the works.
Vice Chairman of HCMCity People's Committee Nguyen Huu Tin told the centre to finalise theanti-flooding project, especially the plans to repay loans taken forit.-VNA